Sewage Moisture

MoistTech Provides Efficiency

Sewage treatment plants discharge cake or sludge, a biosolid that is 70-80% water. The rest is a nutrient-rich organic material that has value as a renewable energy source or for blending in soil composts for agricultural soil conditioning, reducing the need for fertilizer. To be properly processed, the exact moisture content of the sludge must be known within 0.5-1%. The sludge can be burned to recover the energy; however, it must be dry enough to incinerate. Measuring the moisture becomes key.

MoistTech provides moisture sensors to monitor the moisture content during the drying process. The IR-3000 is a near infrared online moisture detector (with software) system which is designed to measure the moisture in the sewage drying process. It gives you complete control in real time because the sensor provides non-contact measurement. Mount the IR-3000 above your production line.

Try It For 30 Days!


Our equipment never comes into contact with the product, allowing for less waste

zero drift

Our sensors are guaranteed not to drift over time – which saves time and money

closed loop

Create a closed-loop process by tying a moisture sensor into your PLC. Full control over the line!

no recalibrations

We’ve mastered the art of moisture sensors – your unit will never need to be recalibrated for the same product twice!

What is the Solution?

The IR-3000 was designed and built to outperform the competition by providing long-term, reliable performance in even the harshest industrial environment. It is unaffected by:

  • Particle size or color
  • Product temperature
  • Environmental humidity or temperature
  • Foreign or inert objects
  • Dust
  • Gaps in product flow
  • Ambient Lighting


Locate the point in the production process in which measuring moisture will be the most crucial and beneficial. Identify how you will use the moisture measurement data for improvements and if it will tie into your PLC.

Remember this could involve more than one installation point!


We offer service and support throughout the world for our moisture measurement sensors and would be happy to connect you with a rep in your area. Contact us today for more information!

Understand the Process

To be properly processed, the exact moisture content of the sludge must be known within 0.5-1%. The sludge can be burned to recover the energy; however, it must be dry enough to incinerate. Measuring the moisture becomes key.