Annual PetFood Forum 2020: Where the Global Pet Food Industry Does Business

Due to the COVID-19 virus, the PetFood Forum has been moved to 2021

The Petfood Forum group of conferences and exhibitions are unique and exclusive events serving the global pet food manufacturing industry. They deliver the opportunity to learn the latest research and innovative information on pet nutrition, global pet food market growth, pet food safety, processing, packaging and much more – all from leading, recognized pet food industry experts. #dog food moisture on line

Moisture measurement in the production of dry animal feed/kibble is desirable at numerous stages during the manufacturing process. With varying moisture content in raw materials, on-line NIR (near-infrared) measurement is a key tool in ensuring optimum efficiency and quality control. The ability to measure moisture and make process adjustments during the production cycle is key.

Monitoring the moisture in the raw materials, controlling the mixing/blending process and moisture of the feed not only ensures the final product with consistent quality, but will enable substantial savings to be achieved in the production process. The user will know the levels of moisture in the raw material and will be able to accurately calculate the amount of moisture that needs to be added to the mix to achieve the correct consistency of the end product.

The Petfood Forum provides the ideal opportunity for pet food professionals from around the world to network, exchange ideas and do business with one another and with the industry’s leading pet food manufacturers and suppliers. Each conference and hands-on workshop offers pet food industry members a new agenda, speaker lineup and learning takeaways to help improve your business.

Join us in Kansas City, MO August 19 – 21 in booth# 1317. Learn more about the show:

What Exactly Does The Moisture Control Do?

MoistTech moisture sensors are designed to deliver accurate readings of the exact amount of the moisture in your hard pet food. MoistTech’s sensors consist of sensors that use NIR (near infrared) and RF (radio frequency) technologies. Being reliable and accurate, our moisture sensors enable manufacturers to control moisture levels in the production process. This way the moisture would be removed or kept towards the lower end and the chances of bacteria developing in the foods would be minimized to a great extent.

Apart from keeping a check on the hard pet food moisture, our online sensors check on protein and fat levels contained in the food. This allows for the creation of healthy and high quality food products for your pet, so that your pet gets to eat food with low hard pet food moisture levels and great nutritional value.

Animal Food Moisture ApplicationsWet & Dry Animal Kibble MoistureMoisture in Feather Meal, Blood Meal and Chicken Meal