When you are dealing with rice production, it is imperative that you keep a close eye on the moisture levels that your product is exposed to at every stage of the process. Rice is a substance that is very sensitive to moisture, so you should have a monitoring system that can give you real-time information about the state of your production line.
If you are in need of a moisture monitoring system that can help you keep your product safe from overexposure to humidity and other elements, look no further than the products produced by MoistTech. Learn more below and discover the effect of NIR moisture control. Get your quote today!
Near-Infrared Technology
MoistTech provides our customers with near-infrared (NIR) sensors in order to assist any production line with the necessary tools to maintain their quality control with ease. The NIR sensor works directly on your production line so that you know where your levels are at constantly. Our technology provides accurate data that you can trust so that the integrity of your product can be preserved.
Moisture Levels and Rice
If you are dealing with grains, it is crucial to the final product output that your moisture levels stay within specific levels. Otherwise, your supply can be contaminated, leading to the need for extra drying processes and general harvest loss. Don’t waste time, effort, and money by wasting what could be perfectly good rice when you can use a moisture control system to help.
Benefits of Measuring Moisture
One immediate benefit of utilizing NIR sensors on your production line is that you will be able to better control the quality of the product that you are providing for your customers. The raw data that you receive allows you to make informed decisions related to your processes. This can help increase production efficiency, less downtime to fix predictable problems, and, ultimately, better rice for your customers.
Easy Installation
A big draw when it comes to NIR sensors from MoistTech is that they can be installed on almost any production line with ease. You can utilize the external display to quickly check your data or, if you can’t be directly on the line, you can access the real-time data on your personal computer. With a quick installation, you can have all of the information you need at your fingertips whenever you need it.
Don’t risk wasting product or decreasing the efficiency of your rice production line due to moisture levels that affect the quality of your rice. Invest in a near-infrared sensor from MoistTech and install it today so that you can ensure you are producing the best food for your customers. Contact our team for more information now!