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Precision Moisture Detection Case Study

Precision Moisture Detection Case Study

Precision Moisture Detection Excessive moisture can lead to incorrect products and waste in the paper industry. A paper moisture sensor from MoistTech can help record accurate measurements every time. The Background A Wisconsin-based company in the...

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Return on Investment

Return on Investment

Return on Investment Thinking about a MoistTech system, but not sure about the return on investment compared to your current system? This page gives an overview of prospective ROI improvement and increased profitability when installing a MoistTech system. Every...

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What Else Does MoistTech Measure?

What Else Does MoistTech Measure?

The name MoistTech is self-explanatory that the moisture sensors detect moisture content, but there are so many more substances that absorb near infrared (NIR) light. Coating weight, protein and temperature are just a few measurables that can be detected with...

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